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Renal Failure: Chronic (v2)

Course overview

Chronic renal failure is a condition that affects nearly all the systems in the body. Patients with chronic kidney disease or end-stage renal disease can experience many different types of complications that are caused or exacerbated by renal failure.

As an EMS provider, a basic understanding of chronic renal failure and its causes can help you to better recognize and provide care for these related complications. This program reviews the growing rate of renal failure incidence, how renal failure occurs, how to recognize renal failure, complications related to dialysis, other illnesses related to chronic kidney disease or end-stage renal disease, and care to provide in a prehospital environment.

Featuring Kevin Collopy, EMS author and has written several textbook chapters, magazine articles, develops on-line continuing education courses and is on the EMSWorld advisory board.

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