Medication Delivery in EMS (v2)
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Medication Delivery in EMS (v2)

Course overview

To help ensure that medications are delivered in an effective and efficient way, it is important for EMS providers to be familiar with the rationale and contraindications for using certain delivery routes for medications given in an EMS setting.

The Medication Delivery in EMS course focuses on:

Medication delivery strategies such as the “six rights”, closed-loop communications, medication delivery calculations such as Broselow tape and the Handtevy method, and cultivating a culture that values safety and continuing education
A review of medication routes including oral, sublingual, buccal, subcutaneous and intramuscular injections, intravenous and intraosseous injections, inhalation and nebulization, and intranasal and transdermal deliveries
Why staying informed on current recommendations is critical for EMS medication delivery success
The course features Jon Politis, BA, NREMT-P, MPA. Chief of EMS, Colonie EMS, Town of Colonie, NY.

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