VAD Patients: EMS Response (v2)
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VAD Patients: EMS Response (v2)

Course overview

A ventricular assist device (VAD) is a mechanical pump that is implanted into a person’s chest to replace the function of a ventricle that may be damaged or inadequate due to heart failure.

When assessing a patient with a VAD, EMS providers must understand that certain vital sign measurements may be inaccurate or unobtainable by normal means. Inspecting the VAD itself, contacting the patient’s VAD coordinator, consulting with family and caregivers, and seeking medical direction are critical to success when responding to a VAD patient.

The program reviews:

How a VAD functions
Types of VADs and their components
How to assess and transport a VAD patient
Conditions that can affect a VAD and common types of malfunction
Managing cardiac arrest for a VAD patient
Featuring Jason Bazelow, FP-C CCEMTP, Flight Paramedic, AirLink/VitaLink, Board Member at Large IAFCCP.

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